Emily H. Ganos
Associate Managing Director, Strategic Portfolios
Emmy Ganos joined the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in 2013. Her work focuses on health system transformation and promotes efforts to disrupt systems of oppression in health and healthcare systems.
Emmy’s work spans a variety of programs, including efforts to build accountability to community priorities in healthcare, advancing collective leadership approaches for health system change, and efforts to illuminate the structural drivers of inequity in healthcare and health policy. She has researched, written, and presented on a host of health and healthcare issues, including reducing low-value and inequitable care; avoiding eviction in smoke-free public housing; and advancing multisector partnerships for health. Throughout, she brings her research experience in public and community health to assisting the Foundation, and others who share our vision, in the journey toward a Culture of Health.
In 2018, Emmy was named a Terrance Keenan Institute fellow by Grantmakers In Health. The program was created to nurture the next generation of leaders in healthcare grantmaking and to further their professional development.
Previously, Emmy held a research and teaching position with the Institute for Health & Equity at Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, where she received recognition for outstanding medical-student teaching in health policy. Earlier, she served as manager of research and administration for the Donors Forum of Wisconsin in Milwaukee (now the Wisconsin Philanthropy Network).
Emmy received her BA in health and society from Beloit College and her PhD in public and community health from the Medical College of Wisconsin.