Empowering Nurses and the Nursing Profession
Nurses are the largest segment of America’s workforce. They are face-to-face with people that need help every day. Through a range of investments in nursing-related leadership, policy, and practice, RWJF is elevating the nursing profession by enabling nurses in America to work at their greatest potential.

Nurses Play an Essential Role in Disrupting Racism in the Healthcare System
Related News and Insights
Read expert perspectives and the latest research from RWJF to explore the opportunities and complexities of this topic.
Opinion: Dismantling racism in nursing is key to achieving health equity
Over the past three years plus, all nurses have suffered the realities of staffing shortages, poor working conditions, and continued trauma as a result of the pandemic. It’s now up to lawmakers, healthcare executives and nursing leadership to ensure that any solutions put forward are not only driven by nurses’ experiences but also explicitly address the discriminatory policies that have perpetuated unsafe working conditions and systemic racism in the profession.

Good Things Happen When Nurses Lead
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Four Reasons We Need School Nurses Now More Than Ever
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Nurses Can't Care For Us If We Don't Care for Them
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Featured Initiatives
RWJF funds many initiatives in support of our vision for a Culture of Health. For this focus area, these initiatives were selected to demonstrate grantmaking that is helping us achieve the greatest impact.

Clinical Scholars
Clinical Scholars is a leadership opportunity for practitioners from diverse fields of healthcare. Through intensive learning, mentoring, and networking, this program develops fellows across health care settings and disciplines to create leaders of transformational change.

Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action
The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, a joint initiative of AARP and RWJF, explores how healthier communities can be built by improving the roles, responsibilities, and education of nurses.

MakerNurse is changing the game for nurses by tapping into their natural problem-solving skills and bringing the spirit of invention, creativity, and innovation into medical settings. This RWJF-supported program ended in 2016.