Power Up, Speak Out!
Jul-24-2014 |
1-min read
Dates of Project: July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2013
Description: Domestic and Sexual Violence Services in Red Lodge, Mont., developed Power Up, Speak Out!, a teen dating violence prevention program for 7th through 9th graders in Western frontier communities. The curriculum, developed with input from teens, uses images and messages relevant to youth in sparsely populated areas and very small towns to teach critical thinking skills that promote healthy, equitable relationships.
“We want to make sure our program is informed by teens: that the stories resonate with them, the activities work for them, the language speaks to them.”—Travis Burdick, MA, violence prevention educator
MEM Consultants, in Seattle, evaluated Power Up, Speak Out! in 2012.
The project was part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Local Funding Partnerships.
“We teach critical thinking skills about relationships, rather than just how to identify unhealthy behaviors.”—Travis Burdick, MA, violence prevention educator
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