As director for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP), our mission is to create environments where diversity is embraced, inclusion is promoted, and culturally competent health care services are delivered to all patients.
On November 14 and 15, 2014, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at HUP will hold its 4th biennial cultural competence symposium titled: Cultural Competence: Delivering on the Promise of Justice, Equity and Equality in Health Care. This program that started as an initiative in the department of nursing has now expanded to include members from other disciplines, thus evolving into a hospital-wide initiative, exemplifying the significance of nursing leadership that is delineated in the IOM report.
It is easy to see how the IOM report has provided direction and accelerated nurses’ leadership in health care. Nurses, the largest group of health care professionals, are equipped with new tools to meet the changing needs of patients, communities, and health care delivery system of the nation.