RWJF Culture of Health Prize
2024 Call for Applications
Culture of Health Prize
The Prize honors communities at the forefront of addressing structural racism and other structural injustices to advance health, opportunity, and equity for all.
Introduction & Purpose
The CFA period for the 2024 Culture of Health Prize is now closed.
We all have dreams for ourselves and our families. But we don’t all have the same opportunities to make those dreams come true. For too long, our social practices, laws, and policies have placed more value on some lives than others based on race, class, and other factors. To achieve health equity, we have to uproot this hierarchy of human value and dismantle the structural racism that permeates society with the ambitious goal of building the future we all want for our children and grandchildren. We believe that, together, we can build a world where health is no longer a privilege, but a right.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize honors the work of communities that are at the forefront of addressing structural racism and other injustices to advance health, opportunity, and equity for all. Since its launch in 2013, the Prize has recognized more than 60 communities across the country, inspiring change and highlighting community-led solutions that show us that a more just and equitable world is possible. Previous Prize winners are creating the conditions to enable residents to reach their best health and wellbeing, each working on several key aspects-such as access to healthy foods, transportation, safe and affordable housing, economic opportunity, clean water and air, reproductive justice, and Native and Indigenous peoples’ sovereignty.
Partnership within communities is at the heart of the Prize. This call for applications will enable us to select up to 10 communities to receive the Prize. To be eligible, applications should represent a partnership of multiple unique organizations whose collaboration predates the Prize application. We recognize the collective work of communities whose efforts show us that improving health and equity is possible.
Eligibility Criteria
The Prize is awarded to place-based communities. Eligible applicants must represent one of the following:
- Whole city, town, village, borough, or other municipality with a publicly elected governing body
- County or parish
- Federally recognized tribal nations, state-designated American Indian reservation or other Indigenous communities that reside on contiguous land
- Native Hawaiian organization serving and representing the interests of Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders in Hawaii
- Communities within U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico
- Region, defined as geographically contiguous municipalities, counties, and/or reservations
Partnership within communities is at the heart of the Prize. To be eligible, applications should represent a partnership of multiple unique organizations whose collaboration predates the Prize application. Please visit the call for applications to find more information about the eligibility criteria.
Selection Criteria
Reviewers use the following six selection criteria to evaluate all submissions throughout the process, with a particular focus on the first three criteria.
- Addressing structural racism and other structural injustices to advance opportunity, health, and equity.
- Committing to lasting changes in policy, systems, and financing that improve community conditions and center people directly impacted by the inequity addressed.
- Working in partnership across sectors, and elevating the expertise and solutions held by people with firsthand experience of the inequities being addressed.
- Engaging in work that preserves and celebrates community through cultural activities and practices that envision and advance a more just future.
- Making the most of available resources to ensure the effort can endure over time.
- Measuring and sharing progress in culturally relevant ways.
Please visit the call for applications to find more information about the selection criteria.
Key Dates & Deadlines
April 3, 2024 (2 p.m. ET)
Optional applicant webinar. Play the recording of the webinar.
April 9, 2024 (2 p.m. ET)
Optional applicant webinar. Play the recording of the webinar.
June 3, 2024 (3 p.m. ET)
Deadline for all applications.
Week of August 21, 2024
Applicants will be notified whether or not they have been selected as finalists.
October–November 2024
Site visits will be conducted by a review team with selected finalist applicant communities.
June 2025
National announcement and celebration of winners.
Total Awards
Types of Award: Awards funded under this opportunity will be structured as a prize for accomplishments previously completed. Since the Prize is not a grant, there are no programmatic requirements or deliverables required of winners once it is awarded.
Number of Awards: Up to 10
Amount of Each Award: $250,000
Award Duration: This is a one-time Prize
Use of Funds: Award funds are distributed as a prize and do not have any specific budgetary requirements. Funds may be used at the discretion of the recipient with the following exceptions. In keeping with RWJF policy, funds may not be used to support clinical trials of unapproved drugs or devices, to construct or renovate facilities, and for lobbying or political activities. Additional budget guidelines are provided in the online application materials.
Payment of Awards: The Prize will be paid in full to winners upon awardee selection by the Foundation and completion of necessary documentation.